PinnedPublished inSoftware Testing PipelineSECURE: Mindset Framework for Software TesterSECURE stand for Skeptical, Explorative, Curious, Urge to break thing, Risk Oriented, and Empathy.Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Bias dalam argumen ngeles perokok untuk membela diriKesel banget rasanya tiap ketemu perokok, udah asapnya bau ga enak, kalau kehirup bikin batuk ga berhenti-berhenti. Apalagi kalau lagi…Jul 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024
Perilaku Mentalitas KawananPerilaku manusia yang dipengaruhi secara kuat oleh keputusan orang lainJul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
Cognitive Bias: Actor-observer biasSeseorang relatif lebih cenderung menganggap hasil yang mereka peroleh disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal (kesulitan tugas)Jul 14, 2024Jul 14, 2024
Informal FallaciesFallacy adalah cacat pikir dalam berargumen. Informal fallacies adalah cacat pikir yang terletak pada konten pernyataan. Biasanya hal ini…Jul 11, 2024Jul 11, 2024
Bug Life CycleBug Life Cycle is a set of states a bug throughout an entire its lifecycle. It helps to coordinate and communicate current status of defectAug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
The Benefits of Automation in Software TestingIn this blog post, I’ll discuss how automation works and some key benefits you can expect from using it in your own projects:Jul 9, 20231Jul 9, 20231
Lateral Thinking in Software TestingLateral thinking, a term created in 1967 by Edward de Bono, is a problem-solving process using an unusual or creative approach.Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
The Different Types of Software TestingSoftware testing is an important part of developing software. There are many different types of software testing, each with their own goals…Feb 14, 20231Feb 14, 20231